
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Ain't the weather been strange?

Not my images: borrowed from various news sites: Sydney and Brisbane getting hammered. Believe it or not,
SA had it easy by comparison, with coooold, winds, drizzle, gray skies ...
Hasn't the weather been strange?

That's the strapline from a  rather good 1977 Aussie movie called The Last Wave, and -- dangitall, you'd swear it was coming true. The weather is being peculiar. This is not just summer, it's high summer, just a week short of Christmas. It should be wall to wall heat 'n dust right now, and what's happening?


You can see the stream of water-laden air being drawn up from the Southern Ocean, and you can imagine how cold it is when it arrives here. How much water it's dumping on us. Conditions are a lot like July or August, which is, uh, winter. And all this, while the Christmas trees are up and mince pies are being consumed by the gross!

So, naturally, Dave was out in it. Riding. Of course. Proof, you ask? Okay:

Yep. Down to Myonga Reservoir, stop for donuts and coffee with cycling friends, and home to the southern suburbs. All those years in Alaska add up to a "meh" attitude to Aussie weather ... and some great photos along the way.

From here on down, these are Dave's pictures, from the camera phone (or is it phone-camera?), with a little bit of enhancement on the desktop:

The conditions were so odd, the light levels so low, sometimes these photos look like art.I love the way the trees ghost into the low cloud -- and the lone roo in the yellow paddock under storm skies, in the first shot. Beautiful. Kudos to Dave.

If course, most folks would say he's a little nuts, being out there in this weather! They'd have a good point, but then again, when it's fun ...! And it does appear to be fun:

Good on ya, Dave!


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