
Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Birthday, Your Majesty -- now we are eight!

It doesn't seem possible, but here we are again ... celebrating Zolie's year in photos. It's been quite a year for her ladyship ... a year of good health, being the lady and mistress of all she surveys, and certainly the head of staff in this establishment! It's been a year of  .industrial-grade naps (with and without the laser eyes of two different colours) --

And a year of being involved with absolutely everything in the house, carport, garden ... presents, Christmas tree, bikes, making beds, summiting on cat trees, you name it, Zolie was into it:

Then again it was also a year of pocket-size adventures (which were no less grand for being pocket-sized). There were trees to climb, butterflies to chase, patches of dust to roll in ... and the responsibility of  being left to guard the citadel when the hoomans went to the park for the morning, and kitty cats couldn't come aloge (because them's the rules!) ...

But it was also a year of  NAPS. Big ones, small ones, epic naps, catnaps, every kind, in every place. Soooo many places to nap ... an embarrassment of kitty cat riches. Beds, chairs, rugs, and of course the box at the very top of the two-metre cat tree...

But wait, there's more! It was a year of desserts ... of bowls of cream, juuust the right size, set out when the hoomies are having their dessert! A certain look (a needle-claw in the knee...) and one just knows that Her Majesty would like her dessert too, if you don't mind --

After all, she's royalty. Empress of the Universe What's that, you don't believe me? Empress of The Universe, you say? Why, yes. They made a movie about it: Zolie Rescues Flash Gordon. In Technicolor, and Surround Sound, and Super Panavision 70. What, you didn't see it? Well, here's the proof!

There you are ... it was the year when Her Majesty became a big movie star!

And... that's all, folks!

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