
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Salmon Sandwich Bandit!

To set the scene: a picnic at the Gold Escort ground, at Belair NP, on a glorious day in late autumn. Right. Now, I've had a Kookaburra take the tuna out of a roll in my hand before (in fact, over at Karka Pavilion, also at Belair), but this little bandit took the whole thing and zoomed up into the nearest tree. The rascal sat up there at his leisure to eat the salmon, then dumped the roll.

To add insult to injury, he came back ten minutes later and swooped again, trying to get my apple pie. He aborted at the last tenth of a second, realizing it was fruit! He got my finger instead. Ahem!

So here he is -- the now world famous Salmon Sandwich Bandit, as immortalized on Facebook. If you notice, you can see the remnants of my salmon on the branch where he's sitting. Well ... he did play fair, and strike handsome poses for me to get some lovely shots. The fifth is his "beauty shot," where he glided over to another tree and sat cackling, "Me so funny!" 

Along the way, it was a great opportunity to get in some practice with the Lumix TZ90, which I am learning to love. Boy, did I make the right decision, when it came down to deciding which camera to buy. Sure, I know, I've seen the commercials for the new 60MP Sony. But I don't happen to have A$8,000 lying around, and I don't think I could carry the Sony and its lens and battery pack around my neck all day; or even for an hour. The Panasonic Lumix is right for me, at this moment: it weighs about 350g, has excellent lens elements by Leica, and gives me more gadgets and options than I can actually use -- and it does it for around 5% of the price of the killer-diller Sony. If I miraculously get well and strong again, and win lotto, I might think about upgrading to a DSLR, but for now, I'll take technology and the sweet price!

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