I know, I know ... I'm neglecting this blog
horrifically! I manage to post just in time to say "Hi there, bye there" to the seasons as they race by. Fact? I'm still not well, and often blogging is something I can't get my head around. I didn't mark the dates this year for the fifth anniversary of Bagheera's passing or the second anniversary of Mom's, because I wasn't up to the sadness of the task. So let's look at pretty things, instead.
Dave and I took an overnight break at Cape Jervis back at the beginning of July (almost two months ago! Time sure flies), which was the dead of winter. It was
very cold ...
very beautiful. These are my best shots from that expedition! Dave is "out there in the elements" much more than I am, of course -- on his bike.
So I'll hand over to Dave and his camera phone here:
Am always astounded by the quality of image returned by the camera on his phone. These are copied over from his facebook page, alas ... the phone's flash card died with a
year's worth of photos on board. All the large-size images are utterly gone, so what we have left is the selection he uploaded on the fly to facebook! Ah well --
Another year is starting, and we'll just have to go places again, and take more pictures! Back to the Grampians in five weeks, for a start. We're booked. And for the moment ... I'm just blogging to say farewell to winter 2019. Spring officially comes in, in ten days. In fact, the truth is, it's been feeling like spring for weeks now. The birds certainly agree: the magpies have been dive-bombing for a month, the mimosa is in full bloom (two months early), and so forth. Ack.
Don't want to start talking about climate change! I think I've beaten that subject to death in the last couple of years. Let's thing about pleasant things instead...
Dave is waiting for the delivery of his new bike, and that'll open the doors to new adventures.