I've been gone from this blog for a few days, and I wish I could relate that I've been on a fantastic holiday ... Dave and I went to Fiji, lay on the beach drinking coconut punch, chartered a sailboat and cruised the outer islands, worked on our tan while we took an indescribable bus into the hills and fossicked through the local markets, trying their traditional food and listening to bands nobody ever heard of...
Well, I
could write all that. It would certainly make for a great post -- and people would be wondering why I didn't share the pictures.
And the reason would be, because we
didn't go to Fiji. I had a Very Major Migraine. People too often dismiss migraine as just a really bad headache, but the fact is, it's a lot more. It
is a really bad headache ... plus nausea, and the shivers of hypothermia while sweat pours out of you; plus dizziness, tachycardia, disorientation, light- and sound- sensitivity. Basically, you sit in the dark for twelve hours, eyes closed, nursing a whole suite of symptoms and wondering if you're even going to survive. The next day, you contend with the after-effects of the pills, which have some nasty side effects.
On the positive side, I think I might have tracked down at least one of the triggers -- and it's not as simple as saying, "Coffee gives me a migraine," or "chocolate gives me migraine." Both of those statements would be untrue: I can drink a cup of coffee once a week and get no hint of migraine. I can eat a little chocolate now and then and, again, get no hint of migraine...
But what happens when you hitch up a fantastic cup of coffee and some fabulous chocolate cake, eaten
at the same time? Uh huh.
And it was
fantastic coffee, and
fabulous chocolate cake...
...as Dave's phone pic, from his facebook page, demonstrates. We shared the cake, about 70/30, and mine was the small,
regular cappuccino; we shared the neat little caramel slice sitting behind the cake there. Dave
never has a problem with migraine or even indigestion, but me?
Well, I'd be lying if I didn't admit, I
had wondered about the combination -- but I don't remember ever having the chance to put this to the test. So: call this the test, right? Right.
Uh huh. The rest is history. So I guess the best thing to do from here on is to NOT have chocolate and coffee at the same time.
People report all kinds of things as migraine triggers: blue cheese, oranges, jalapeƱos, balsamic, alcohol, peanuts, onions ... even apples. One could live happily without the majority of items on that list, but, well -- coffee and chocolate is where it starts to smart. Sob.
Or, maybe it was also about the increasing barometric pressure
plus coffee and chocolate. So the rule would be:
don't eat coffee and chocolate when there's a storm coming in!
Guess I'll have to experiment a little more.
Monday, right no cue, the screen door was fixed and is now rolling smoothly and silently. Wonderful. The company is Sliderfix, from Panorama, and that's all they do -- fix aberrant sliding glass doors. The job took about 90mins and cost under A$300, all up. Fantastic. So I can't grumble about the door anymore.
Meanwhile, Mom is slowly recovering. I think she's just about over the pneumonia now, and we just have to get her up and moving, get some mobility back, strength in the legs and so on. And get her switched to this liquid codeine we were told about at the pharmacy. Hmm. Turns out, you don't
have to choke on horse pills after all -- which is a mercy, because she has swallowing problems, and choking many times per day on pills is how she got the aspirant pneumonia in the first place.
Life trundles on, while the next bank of rainy weather comes up out of the southwest. This morning's blue sky is gone, alas. Dave posted a phone pic from the Onkaparinga River mouth about an hour ago, but when I look out the front windows it's GRAY. It looks like RAIN.
Looks like an afternoon for curling up with a good book (or any kind of book), and wondering when this winter will end. Two warm days last week had us speculating about the probability of an early spring and a hot summer, but all that seems to have gone by --
What we need is a prognosticating groundhog. But, since this is Australia, of course it would have to be a
marsupial groundhog, and he'd have to come out of his burrow on August 2nd, look around and see if he can see his shadow. Then he can tell us we're in for four more weeks of crap till spring actually gets here on September 1.